Three Canon EOS R System Cameras to be Released in the Second Half of 2022

According to latest rumors by CR, Canon is planning to release at least 3 new EOS R system cameras in the second half of 2022. These three cameras will be full frame and APS-C EOS R cameras:

Canon APS-C EOS R RF mount mirrorless camera (EOS R7 ?):

Source said it will be a true hybrid camera, could be “a little M50 mixed with some EOS 7D”.

Canon entry-level full frame mirrorless camera (EOS RP Mark II ?):

This new entry-level full frame mirrorless camera will use the 20MP image sensor from Canon EOS R6. And this camera could be lack of EVF.

A new Canon EOS R full frame mirrorless camera:

This camera will set between EOS R6 and the new entry-level full frame mirrorless camera. This camera will have a new image sensor, with a lower pixel count than the Canon EOS R5.